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Ritual Policies & Statements

Patrilineal Descent Policy

Darchei Noam validates the Jewish identity of those who identify as Jewish through both matrilineal and patrilineal descent. Jews who identity as Jewish through patrilineal descent will be considered Jewish for Darchei Noam religious purposes (i.e. aliyot, minyan, b’nai mitzvah). We recognize this differs from a traditional approach; however, we are mindfully choosing to lift up the value of inclusivity as we desire to build the Jewish community and not exclude from it.

If desired by a congregant, the Darchei Noam clergy will be happy to educate and mentor all members who identify as Jewish through patrilineal descent who wish to have a traditional conversion to ensure that their Jewish status in other Jewish establishments is never called into question. At Darchei Noam, our openness to Jewish descent, matrilineal and patrilineal, is a natural part of our inclusivity. We will always offer education for those who desire it, but not mandate and be mindful of everyone’s unique Jewish journey.


Kashrut Policy

Darchei Noam’s Kashrut policy reflects our commitment to Jewish tradition as we strive to create an inclusive community where everyone is encouraged to participate and feels welcome to contribute their gifts. Practically speaking this kashrut policy will enable us to host potluck Shabbat dinners in the building, invite congregants to share their home baked goods, as well as diversify the snacks that can be brought in and sold for shul school. On the deepest level, this kashrut policy cultivates a culture grounded in learning, compassion, trust, and fellowship.

Darchei Noam's Policy is as below:
Basic Tenants of Policy
At Darchei Noam we have determined that any item whose ingredients are wholly dairy, vegetarian, or pareve* conforms to our community standards and is considered kosher, even if it lacks formal kosher supervision. Please respect our community kashrut standards by bringing only dairy, pareve, or vegetarian foods into our building or while attending communal Darchei Noam gatherings. 

Dairy/Vegetarian/Pareve Guidelines
Our kashrut policy is an ingredient-based approach. Hechshers (kashrut symbols) are not required, however no meat fat or meat products may be used in any goods brought into the synagogue. Common ingredients that must be avoided are as follows: 

  • Chicken or beef stock

  • Lard or other animal shortening 

To clarify—all marshmallows, gelatin, and candy products are permitted. Please check package ingredient lists or consult with our clergy if you have any questions.

*Although not a kashrut constraint, our building is also 100% nut free.
Meat Guidelines – (Off Site Only)
At this time, we cannot support meat meals in our building; however, if there is a communal gathering offsite, a meat meal will be permitted in consultation with our clergy and adhering to the following guidelines: 

  • Certified kosher meat or certified kosher caterer 

  • No dairy as part of the meal

  • Use of plates, utensils, and reheating methods will be decided on a case-by-case basis in consultation with our clergy 

*Pareve: a classification of kashrut that is neither meat nor dairy and is therefore permitted to be eaten with both. Fish and eggs are both considered pareve; however, only fish with fins and scales are considered kosher. Shellfish is not permitted.

Wine/Grape Juice Guidelines
At Darchei Noam wine or grape juice used for the purpose of making kiddush requires a hecksher (kosher certification); however, wine used for non-ritual purposes does not require kosher certification. 

Passover Guidelines 
Darchei Noam’s kitchen will be closed during Pesach, and any food served during Pesach requires a Passover certification. All serving items should be disposable. 
Any food that is brought in from the outside during Pesach needs to be pre-approved by our clergy. 

If you have any questions about this policy please consult with Rabbi Danielle Parameter or Hazzan Arlyne Unger. 


Ritual Attire Statement

The tallit and kippa are traditional Jewish ritual dress which are worn during worship. At Darchei Noam we encourage all who attend services to wear a kippa or appropriate head covering and all Jewish adults to wear a tallit, as a part of their spiritual practice. However, as an inclusive community, we are supportive of each individual’s practice and Jewish journey.


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785